How much are Boxer puppies for sale in San Jose CA?
When looking for a puppy online, you’ll quickly catch on that different breeders are offering their Boxer puppies for sale San Jose at different prices. The cost of Boxer puppies in San Jose can be affected by the coat or eye color, the coat type, the size or gender of the puppy, whether it’s a purebred, and much more.
Am I limited to choosing local Boxer puppies, or can I look elsewhere?
You can look wherever you like! One of the great things about our network is that ALL the businesses and breeders we work with know all about Boxer San Jose puppy travel. So no matter where you live or where the breeder is located, they can put your puppy on a plane to your nearest major airport.
How does your screening process for breeders work?
We’ve put in place an INCREDIBLY strict set of standards for breeders and businesses who want to join our network. You can take a look at those standards in our Breeder Pledge. They cover all aspects of animal breeding and care - breeder knowledge, ethical standards, cleanliness, legal compliance, and more.
Why is Uptown Puppies different from other dog breeding networks?
If you type ‘Boxer breeders in San Jose’ into Google, the results that show up will be from the businesses who are best at marketing - but that doesn’t make them the best breeders. At Uptown, we carefully examine and screen all of the applicants to our network - and we only work with the very best out there.
What is a puppy mill like for dogs?
Horrible! If you buy Boxer puppies for sale in San Jose that seem suspiciously cheap, there’s a good chance they’ve been bred in a puppy mill or by backyard Boxer breeders San Jose. A puppy mill is like a factory, churning out as many puppies as possible for maximum profit. A Boxer for sale San Jose bought from a puppy mill could have expensive medical conditions and behavioural problems. Don’t take that chance.
Are there any Boxer puppies available for me to buy right now?
It could be that you and your family have your heart set on one kind of San Jose Boxer for sale, and that you’ve already pictured the exact breed, color, size, and so on. Good news - at Uptown Puppies, you’ll be able to find your dream dog. Connect with a reputable breeder or business from our network, and you’ll be welcoming your puppy into your home in no time at all.
Where do Boxer dogs come from?
The origins of the Boxer breed lie in the late 1800s. They were bred from a mix of dogs, including the Bulldog and the German Bullenbeisser. They were first imported into American around 1900, and they quickly became popular. Today, the bravery, intelligence, strength and playfulness of Boxers for sale San Jose have made them one of the nation’s most beloved dog breeds.
What should I expect from the average Boxer?
A Boxer for sale in San Jose doesn’t reach full maturity until the age of three, so your Boxer is still going to be a pup for quite some time. You’ll find a Boxer puppy to be an endearing mix of playful mischief, clownish antics, and slobbery kisses - what’s not to love? But as friendly as they are, Boxers also make effective guard dogs.
How does the Uptown Puppies process actually work?
It’s simple, but effective. We get applications from some of the best Boxer breeders from all over America, and we only admit the very best to our network. You can take a look through our list of approved businesses, browsing through Boxer puppies San Jose and upcoming litters. When you’ve found the puppy you want, contact the breeder directly, and make all the necessary arrangements. The process is quick, efficient, and stress free.
How big a breed are Boxers?
San Jose Boxers for sale are officially considered to be a medium sized breed of dog, but they’re certainly at the larger end of that scale. It's usual for a male boxer to be around 25 inches and to weigh between 65 to 80 pounds. Females tend to be between 21 to 25 inches, and generally weigh from 50 to 65 pounds.