Give me an overview of Cocker Spaniel puppies for sale in Boston MA.
Descended from the ancient Spaniel hunting breed that is believed to have originated in Spain (hence the name), Cocker Spaniels are long-haired small to medium-sized dogs. Today's Cocker Spaniel puppies in Boston and beyond are gentle and affectionate pooches, with lively energy and devotion that make them excellent companion pets.
How does Uptown Puppies work?
Just browse the pups Cocker Spaniel breeders in Boston and across the country feature on the site. Chat with the breeder of the pup that catches your eye. With your questions answered, about everything from health and behavior to history, you can talk about transportation. Soon one of those Cocker Spaniels for sale in Boston will be in your home.
Will training be tough should I choose a Boston Cocker Spaniel for sale?
It should go smoothly. Cocker Spaniels are famed for being people-pleasers, plus they're intelligent, so understanding and obeying commands comes naturally. Some can be stubborn, and others a little mischievous, but overall if you choose one of the Boston Cocker Spaniel puppies for sale you'll have an obedient furry friend.
What will my first days with my Cocker Spaniel be like?
Keep in mind that Cocker Spaniels are sensitive, and can be a bit anxious. So crying, as they experience separation from their mothers and littermates, is common over the first few nights. Top Boston Cocker Spaniel breeders suggest you ease the adjustment with a steady routine for feeding and walking, and by establishing a regular sleep spot.
How much exercise do these Boston Cocker Spaniels for sale require?
An active pooch first bred to go on long hunts, Cocker Spaniels love to get out for walks. The top Cocker Spaniel breeders Boston has recommended walks of up to one hour a day, gradually building up to this length until they're about nine months old. And don’t slack off on walk time -- Cocker Spaniels can be subject to obesity if they're not burning calories!
Couldn't I just go to a shelter for a dog?
We don't dissuade against reputable shelters. Just be aware that the Cocker Spaniel puppies Boston shelter have, if they have them, won't come with the important health and behavioral histories you get from the professionals in our network. This info is especially important with Cocker Spaniels, widely bred by non-professionals due to their popularity.
What kind of diet would you recommend for a Cocker Spaniel?
Any of the Cocker Spaniel puppies for sale Boston breeders and companies offer will do well with a high-protein diet that fuels their energetic activity. Good dry kibble with a protein content of around 20% is ideal. Cocker Spaniels are known for shamelessly using their adorability to entice you to give them treats, but keep the goodies to less than 10% of their diets.
Will a Cocker Spaniel be happy in an apartment?
Yes. Cocker Spaniels aren't very big, so size won't be an issue in an apartment. And they're not known to be big barkers, and so unlikely they'll disturb nearby neighbors. But be sure to get them out for their regular exercise. Owners find that long morning walks keep Cocker Spaniels content and peaceful in the pad the rest of the day.
Can you explain what a "backyard breeder" is?
As the name suggests, it's an amateur who mates dogs with none of the safeguards we insist on from our network members. Some backyard breeders are inscrutable, some are well-intentioned, but all contribute to the problems of unhealthy dogs and overpopulation. Best to stick with the pros when browsing the Cocker Spaniels for sale Boston offers.
About how big will that Cocker Spaniel for sale Boston breeders have eventually get?
American Cocker Spaniels usually get to be about 12 or 13 inches high and often weigh from 25 to 30 pounds. Their cousins, English Cocker Spaniels, are a little bigger, at 15 to 17 inches tall, and weighing up to 35 pounds. And should you choose a Cocker Spaniel Boston breeders are tempting you with you'll find that their hearts are ginormous!