How do I know my dog will be healthy?
No matter where you get your puppy, be sure to have them checked by a veterinarian as soon as possible. A nose-to-tail health check is essential to make sure your pup is healthy and happy. At Uptown Puppies, we take this very seriously. We make sure all of our puppies are thoroughly checked by our preferred veterinarian before they go home with their new families.
How much exercise do Dachshunds need?
Dachshunds are relatively active dogs and need a moderate amount of exercise. A good long walk of about a mile each day should be enough to keep your pup fit and healthy. With a lifespan of around 16 years, dachshunds are among the longest-living breeds of dogs.
Should I get a Dachshund from Dachshund breeders near Glendale?
Looking for a social dog who loves to play and spend time with their family? A Dachshund could be the right fit for you! Dachshunds are one of the world's most popular breeds, and for good reason. They are loyal, loving, and make great companions. With moderate daily exercise, they will stay healthy and happy.
Are Dachshunds good family dogs?
Dachshunds are a great breed of dog for families. They are friendly, loving, and make great companion animals. It is important to socialize them with people from a young age so that they can learn to be comfortable around all different types of people. At Uptown Puppies, we love Dachshunds and think they make great pets for families!
Do Dachshund puppies near Glendale have any weird habits?
Dachshunds were bred to be hunting dogs, so they have a natural instinct to roll around in smelly things. This helps to hide their scent from prey animals. They also love to dig, as their job was originally to enter tunnels in pursuit of badgers. Today, many Dachshunds still enjoy these activities, which keep them happy and healthy.
Are Dachshund puppies for sale near Glendale healthy?
Dachshunds are subject to a number of health concerns, but with proper care and breeding, they can be healthy dogs. Two potential problems for Dachshunds are obesity and stairs, both of which can put stress on the dog's elongated spine. However, Dachshunds are not fragile dogs, and their unique shape comes with its own benefits.
Can Dachshunds for sale in Glendale, CA use stairs?
Dachshunds may be appealing for their shape, but this same quality can cause problems with stairs. It's best to avoid any spine injuries by carrying your Dachshund up and down steps. You can also keep all food, toys and water on one level to discourage stair use.
What are some good activities to do with my Dachshund?
Dachshunds have a long and storied history as badger hunters. But in recent years, they have become increasingly versatile, excelling at obedience training, fieldwork, earthdog trials and more. Above all, dachshunds love being outside - so use your imagination and let them explore!
Which breeds are similar to Glendale Dachshunds for sale?
Dachshunds were bred for their hunting skills, and they love to chase small animals like rats and snakes. Terriers are another type of dog bred for hunting, and they include breeds like Yorkies, Jack Russells, Schnauzers, Westies, and many more.
What size of Dachshund puppies in Glendale, CA are there? What about the best Dachshund puppies Glendale has to offer?
Dachshunds come in all shapes and sizes, but the two most common sizes seen in America are standard and miniature. "Tweenie" Dachshunds lie somewhere in between these two sizes, but are less common.
How popular are Dachshund puppies for sale in Glendale, CA?
Get your dream Dachshund, Glendale! Different dog breeds have different popularity levels in different parts of the world. For instance, Dachshunds are extremely popular in America and Germany. Some fun facts about Dachshunds include that they come in four sizes and three coat types.
What colors do Glendale Dachshund puppies for sale come in?
Dachshund puppies for sale? Glendale has the best! There is no denying that dachshunds come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. While the black and tan coat is the most commonly seen, there are dozens of other options out there. These include red, cream, black, fawn, piebald, brindle, merle, dapple, sable and more. However, it is important to be aware that breeding two dapple dachshunds can result in puppies with serious health problems. Get the cutest Dachshund for sale Glendale has to offer.