How much are St Bernard puppies for sale in Houston TX?
The Saint Bernards for sale in Houston that you’ll see on Uptown are descended from an ancient breed whose original purpose was to help rescue travelers who became trapped in heavy snowfall. The breed’s noble and patient nature now makes them popular as an all-round family dog.
What can I expect from my Saint Bernard puppy?
If you fall for one of the sweet Houston Saint Bernard puppies for sale on our site, you can look forward to a good natured and kind companion. A Saint Bernard Houston loves spending time with their families, and won’t enjoy being left home alone. With such a large breed, training good manners is essential too!
How does Uptown work?
In short, we help connect you to the best Houston Saint Bernard breeders, with the best puppies! So when you’re on the hunt for the perfect Saint Bernard puppies in Houston and all over the USA, all you need to do is message the breeder of the puppy you’re interested in and they’ll fill you in on the next steps.
How does Uptown Puppies view transparency when it comes to breeding puppies?
Because we only partner with the very best Saint Bernard breeders in Houston, we’re confident they’ll give you an amazing level of service. That includes keeping you informed of your pup’s progress, every step of the way. Whatever you need, from your puppy’s pedigree to the records from their latest health check, all you need to do is ask.
Do you sell the cheapest puppies?
Saint Bernard breeders Houston pour years of experience and passion into raising healthy puppies. The price of each puppy is a reflection of the time and money it takes to breed these gorgeous dogs. Sadly, cheaper puppies are often from disreputable breeders who care more about making a profit than they do about puppy health and welfare.
Why shouldn’t I bring home a shelter dog instead?
We are 100% pro-shelter, and if rehoming a shelter dog feels right for you and your family, we’re totally behind you. Sometimes, you might want a puppy with a proven health history though, and that’s where our selection of Saint Bernard puppies for sale Houston comes in. As long as you do your research and buy from a reputable and ethical source, that’s the main thing.
How do I know that my puppy will be healthy?
The businesses with Saint Bernard puppies Houston that we work with take the best care of their pups. This includes a comprehensive medical check before each puppy is declared fit to travel. We suggest asking for a copy of your puppy’s results, before making a follow up appointment with your local vet.
Do you recommend specific food for my dog?
Each and every Saint Bernard for sale Houston will end up with their own likes and dislikes when it comes to their food. Some breeders will be happy to let you know their preferred brand, so that can be a good option to start. Saint Bernards have deep chests and can get bloat, so small, regular meals are safest.
Are Saint Bernards easy to train?
A Saint Bernard for sale in Houston has a sweet personality, and they’ll a;ways try their best for their owners. Regular training from a young age is important too, as a Houston Saint Bernard for sale will grow into a huge dog, quite capable of knocking things (unintentionally) flying, as well as eating off the table if they choose to!
How big are Saint Bernards?
Houston Saint Bernards for sale will soon grow into an imposing dog, who can weigh between 120 and 180 pounds once fully grown. They’re tall too, and usually measure between 26 and 30 inches. Male Saint Bernards for sale Phoenix are usually taller and heavier than their female counterparts.