How much are St Bernard puppies for sale in Seattle WA?
Saint Bernards Seattle come from the Western Alps of Switzerland and Italy. They get their name from the Hospice of the Saint Bernard Pass on the great Italian border. The Hospice first received their dogs between 1660 and 1670. The Saint Bernards became famous for rescuing lost travelers and people trapped in avalanches. They rescued over 2000 people.
What can I expect from the average St. Bernard puppies?
Saint Bernard puppies for sale in Seattle originally kept people alive with their body warmth, so they naturally enjoy lying down with people and getting physically very close. They’re extremely gentle, and love being happy and playing around. They require a lot of love and attention, and love adventure. Take them out on weekends as they’ll enjoy these trips!
How does Uptown work?
We make getting a new puppy really easy! First take a look at all the Saint Bernard puppies for sale Seattle that the Saint Bernard breeders in Seattle, businesses and companies are selling, choose the puppy you like the most, then speak with its breeder or business. Then all that needs to happen is a one-way flight for your new pup, and soon it’ll be in your home!
What health issues are there with Saint Bernards?
As with all large breeds, life expectancy is shorter than smaller breeds. Saint Bernards for sale Seattle usually live from 8 to 10 years. Certain Seattle Saint Bernards for sale get hip dysplasia, epilepsy, bone cancer, as well as bloat. It’s important to avoid exercise before and after eating, so that your pup doesn’t suffer with bloat too often.
Do you sell the cheapest puppies?
The Seattle Saint Bernard breeders, businesses and companies that are connected to Uptown don’t set out to offer the “cheapest” Seattle Saint Bernard puppies for sale. Instead, they offer a boutique experience which involves phenomenally excellent breeding standards, breeder-to-home transportation, and being with you every step of your new puppy journey!
Are Saint Bernards good watchdogs?
Saint Bernards in Seattle make really good guard dogs because they are just so massive. This normally scares off intruders straight away. Also Saint Bernards for sale in Seattle have a bark that is extremely low sounding and deep, which sounds quite scary to intruders. These dogs are born to protect you!
Is it enough to walk my Saint Bernard, or does it need more exercise?
Saint Bernard puppies in Seattle like being by your side a lot! Even though they’re big dogs, they don’t require a lot of exercise, and prefer sitting at home with you, than playing around all day. It’s important to take Saint Bernard puppies Seattle out for two 30 minute walks each day, and over the weekend they can get more exercise.
Is a Saint Bernard safe with children?
A Saint Bernard for sale in Seattle is a kind and gentle dog that is wonderful with children. A Seattle Saint Bernard for sale doesn’t even mind if small children walk all over its body while it’s lying down. However, it’s very important that adults always supervise with any breed of dog, as a child can pull and tug at a dog’s fur, which can make it snap at times.
Do you recommend specific food for my Saint Bernard?
Your Saint Bernard for sale Seattle puppy needs to eat food that is nutritious and healthy so that it can grow into the strong adult dog it’s meant to be. Get food recommended to you by your vet, and rather avoid cheap supermarket dog food. Just remember that an hour before and after feeding your dog, you should stay with it, making sure it doesn’t exercise to avoid bloat.
What is the difference between a purebred dog and a mixed breed dog?
Your Saint Bernard Seattle is a purebred dog, that has been bred by Saint Bernard breeders Seattle, businesses and companies for over a hundred years! It comes with very specific standards and a documented pedigree that runs down all its litters of Saint Bernard pups! A mixed breed dog is simply adorable, and a wonderful addition to any home, however, you will never quite know its ancestry or true temperament.