How much do your Husky puppies for sale in Connecticut cost?
Husky puppies vary in price from breeder to breeder. Some of the factors that affect prices include coat color, eye color, pedigree, and breeder experience. When you search for a Husky puppy on the Uptown Puppies network, we won’t just match you with puppies close to your location but close to your ideal price, too.
What if there are no Connecticut Huskies near me?
The Uptown network spans 48 states and you are welcome to find a match in any of them! So if your dream Husky is not in Connecticut, we’re confident that you’ll find it in a nearby state. Our partner breeders are pros at transporting puppies to their new home and you can arrange to meet your new best friend at a major airport near you.
How do you screen Siberian Husky breeders in Connecticut?
Our vetting process screens for a breeder’s expertise, facility quality, breeding practices, animal healthcare standards, and more. At most, less than 10% of all applicants pass our strict screening process. As a final step, breeders and businesses in the Uptown network take our Breeder Pledge, which helps ensure that high standards are maintained.
Why is Uptown Puppies different from other networks with Siberian Husky breeders Connecticut?
Unlike other websites with Siberian Huskies for sale, Uptown Puppies is meticulous about who it lets participate in its network. We work only with ethical breeders and businesses who truly love the breed and are dedicated to producing healthy dogs. Our goal is to help you meet these breeders and take you a step closer to meeting your dream dog.
What is a puppy mill like for Siberian Husky Connecticut? Why shouldn’t I choose a mill for Siberian Husky puppies in Connecticut?
Puppy mills are terrible places that breed Huskies purely for profit. They have little care for the puppies’ health, spending as little money as they can on healthcare. Siberian Huskies from puppy mills are often sickly or have behavioral issues that will cost their new owners thousands in vet’s fees to correct -- often, with little success.
Are there any Siberian Husky puppies Connecticut for sale right now?
Search the Uptown Puppies network today to meet the best Siberian Husky breeders in Connecticut, with litters of beautiful Husky puppies soon to be released! Just let us know what you’re looking for and where you are and we’ll do the rest. In the meantime, get to know the families who met their dream pups on Uptown on our Reviews page.
What kind of dog is a Husky?
The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized working dog that was originally bred to pull sleds. It has a wolf-like appearance, a thick double coat, upright ears, a distinctive mask. The Husky is often confused with the Alaskan Malamute, which looks similar but is remarkably larger. Huskies are intelligent and athletic, but they are also loyal, loving, and make awesome companions.
Do Huskies need cold weather?
Siberian Huskies were bred to do tough work out in the wintry wilderness of Siberia. Hardy as they are, these double-coated dogs do not do as well in hotter climates. If you live somewhere warm all year, make sure that you have ample indoor space with cooling to keep your Husky comfortable.