Why is Uptown Puppies the best way to find a Corgi puppy for sale in North Carolina?
Your typical online search will easily return results from unethical breeders and puppy mills alongside the best breeders. Because we vet and screen breeders beforehand, you can sleep like a baby knowing that ALL of the puppies you see listed here are raised and bred ethically and come from happy homes...NOT puppy mills.
Are Pembroke Welsh Corgis good for apartments?
You might be accustomed to the idea that apartment dogs = small dogs. While this is sometimes the case, the other factor when selecting a good apartment dog is activity level. Corgi puppies in North Carolina are working dogs at heart, and will need an outlet for their high energy level. When dogs don’t get enough exercise, they tend to be restless and destructive.
What if there are no Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies near North Carolina?
The best part about Uptown Puppies is that you’re never too far away from an amazing Corgi breeder. The businesses and breeders we work with are professionals at puppy transportation, and most families choose to meet their new pal at the airport. This lets you focus on finding the BEST breeders, not just the closest ones.
How do you screen partners in your North Carolina Corgi puppy finder?
We have an extensive checklist for prospective breeders and businesses who want to join the Uptown Puppies Network. Two of the most important things we look for are a commitment to humane, ethical breeding practices, and a true love of all things puppies. We only want to connect you with the best Corgi puppies in the country.
What is a puppy mill?
When you turn dog breeding into an industry, you get puppy mills. At mills, Corgis often live in cramped, unsanitary conditions. They go without basic needs and are bred purely for numbers and profit, with little regard to your puppy’s wellbeing. Dogs from puppy mills often come with genetic health problems (that will cost you at the vet’s office).
Are there any Corgi puppies for sale in North Carolina right now?
Yes. Take a look at Uptown Puppies’ available Corgi puppies for our network’s most recent and upcoming litters. Although there are loads of Corgis ready to meet their forever family, act fast! Corgi puppies tend to get scooped up within hours of listing, so be sure to reserve your new friend before someone else does.
What kind of dog is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi? Is Uptown Puppies a good place to find one?
Corgis were bred to be herding dogs. They originate from Wales, in the United Kingdom, and excel at herding cattle. Today, Corgis are less used for herding animals than for their skills at posing for Instagram and starring in memes. The Corgi is a high-octane dog that loves to run and play.
What’s the difference between a Pembroke and Cardigan Welsh Corgi in North Carolina?
Pembroke Welsh Corgis and Cardigan Welsh Corgis are cousins. Both hail from Wales and both are used as herding dogs. Pembrokes typically don’t have a tail, while Cardigans do. Cardigans are slightly shorter and longer, and have slightly more aloof personalities. Both types of Corgis also come in different coat colors.
What’s an American Corgi? Do you have any American Corgis in North Carolina?
An American Corgi is a cross between a Pembroke Corgi and a Cardigan Corgi. American Corgi breeders are typically striving to produce puppies with the Cardigan Corgi’s distinctive merle coat pattern, but with the Pembroke’s physical build. As American Corgis are a new designer breed, we advise only using reputable breeders to select your puppy.
Are Corgis still good working dogs?
Although most people nowadays choose Corgi puppies in North Carolina for their personality and stumpy appearance, properly bred Corgis remain one of the world’s premier herding breeds. If you’re looking for an outdoorsy companion, a running buddy, or an excellent farm dog, you really can’t go wrong with a Corgi puppy.
Are Corgis easy to train?
As a working breed, Corgis in North Carolina are intelligent and respond well to training. In fact, Corgis are the most happy when they’re given a task, and love to be entertained with puzzles and games throughout the day. As with any dog, having the right attitude is paramount to successful, hassle-free training.
How does transportation work? Do you have home delivery?
Most families who find Corgi puppies through our network request that the breeder transport their puppy by plane. Air transportation can be less stressful for puppies than ground transportation, and it allows you to meet Corgi puppies from all over the country—not just from local breeders or businesses. You can even opt for doggy delivery straight to your home!