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How To Tell What Coat A Bernedoodle Will Have

How To Tell What Coat A Bernedoodle Will Have


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Bernedoodles, the adorable mix of Bernese Mountain Dogs and Poodles, have won the hearts of many with their unique personalities and stunning looks. A significant part of their charm comes from their diverse, beautiful coats. In this post, we will delve into the intricacies of the Bernedoodle coat. We will answer questions like “what kind of coat does a Bernedoodle have?” and “how to identify the coat of a Bernedoodle puppy?” Let’s start our journey into understanding and caring for the Bernedoodle coat.

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Understanding the Bernedoodle Coat Types

Types of Bernedoodle Coats

The Bernedoodle can have three different types of coats: wool, fleece, and hair. Each one has its own set of characteristics.

The wool coat is similar to a Poodle’s coat – it’s tight, curly, and doesn’t shed much.
The fleece coat, on the other hand, is wavy and soft, offering a mix of the Bernese Mountain Dog and Poodle’s coats.
The hair coat, which is the least common, is straighter and resembles more the Bernese Mountain Dog’s coat. It’s the only coat type that sheds regularly.

Differences between Wool and Fleece Coats

There is often confusion about “what is the difference between a wool and fleece coat of a Bernedoodle?” Here’s what you need to know:

  • Texture: Wool coats are tight and curly, while fleece coats are wavy and silky.
  • Appearance: Wool coats give Bernedoodles a teddy bear-like appearance, while fleece coats make them look more shaggy.
  • Maintenance: Wool coats require regular grooming to prevent matting, while fleece coats are easier to maintain but still need regular care.
  • Health considerations: Both coats are hypoallergenic, but wool coats are typically less prone to causing allergies.

Allergenicity and Shedding in Bernedoodle Coats

If you’re wondering “which coat is less allergic Bernedoodle?” or “which coat type is the most non-shedding in a Bernedoodle?” the answer to both is the wool coat. The tight curls of the wool coat help prevent dander, a common allergen, from becoming airborne. This coat type also sheds the least, making it a popular choice for families with allergies.

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Recognizing a Bernedoodle Puppy’s Coat Type

When Does a Bernedoodle Puppy’s Coat Change?

So, when does a Bernedoodle puppy coat change? The answer varies, but it typically starts around 5-7 months old. This is when they begin to shed their puppy coat and grow their adult coat. Keep in mind that every Bernedoodle is unique, and the timing can differ.

Identifying the Coat Type of a Bernedoodle Puppy

Understanding how to identify the coat of a Bernedoodle puppy can be a challenge as their coats may change as they mature. Here are some tips:

  • Texture: Feel the puppy’s coat. Is it wavy (indicating a fleece coat), straight (indicating a hair coat), or curly (indicating a wool coat)?
  • Appearance: Look at the puppy’s coat. Does it have a shaggy, wavy, or curly appearance?
  • Shedding: Keep an eye on shedding. Puppies with a future wool or fleece coat will shed less than those with a hair coat.

When Does a Bernedoodle Begin to Lose Their Puppy Coat?

You may be wondering, “When does a Bernedoodle begin to lose their puppy coat?” This usually starts when the puppy is around 5 to 7 months old. However, this can vary based on the individual dog and the type of coat they have. During this period, it’s essential to groom your Bernedoodle regularly to help manage shedding and prevent matting.

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Care for Your Bernedoodle’s Coat

How to Keep Your Bernedoodle’s Coat Shiny

If you’re asking, “How to give my Bernedoodle a shiny coat?” you’re in the right place. Here are some tips to maintain a healthy, shiny Bernedoodle coat:

  • Nutrition: Provide a balanced diet rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These nutrients promote skin and coat health.
  • Regular grooming: Brush your Bernedoodle at least once a week to distribute natural oils, remove loose hair, and prevent matting.
  • High-quality products: Use a moisturizing dog shampoo and conditioner designed for your Bernedoodle’s coat type. Avoid products with harsh chemicals.

How to Prevent a Curly Coat on a Bernedoodle

If you’re wondering “how to keep a Bernedoodle from having a curly coat,” it’s crucial to understand that the curliness of your Bernedoodle’s coat is largely determined by genetics. However, regular grooming can help manage the curls and keep your Bernedoodle looking its best.

Regular grooming: Brushing can help detangle the curls and make the coat appear less curly. However, never force a brush through matted or tangled curls, as it can cause pain and potential skin damage.
Using the right tools: A slicker brush or a comb designed for curly coats can help manage your Bernedoodle’s curls.
Professional grooming: Regular professional grooming sessions can help maintain a manageable coat length and keep the curls neat and tidy.

How to Manage Allergies and Shedding

  • Regular grooming: Brushing your Bernedoodle regularly can reduce the amount of hair and dander in your home, helping to manage allergies.
  • Using hypoallergenic grooming products: These can help reduce skin irritation and allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.
  • Regular cleaning: Regularly cleaning your home, including areas where your Bernedoodle spends most of its time, can help manage allergies by reducing dander and hair accumulation.


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Bernedoodle Coat FAQs

In this section, we’ll address common questions about Bernedoodle coats:

  • “Bernedoodle coat types, when do you know?” Generally, by the time your Bernedoodle is around 6-8 months old, you should have a good idea of what their adult coat will look like.
  • “Which coat is less allergic Bernedoodle?” The wool and fleece coats are hypoallergenic and are less likely to trigger allergies.
  • “Which coat type is the most non-shedding in a Bernedoodle?” The wool coat sheds the least, followed by the fleece coat. The hair coat sheds the most.


Understanding your Bernedoodle’s coat is essential in providing the best care for your pet. Whether they have a curly wool coat, a wavy fleece coat, or a straight hair coat, each Bernedoodle is unique and special in its own way. With the right knowledge and care, you can keep your Bernedoodle looking its best while also managing allergies and shedding in your home.

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Additional Resources

For further reading and reference, here are some recommended resources:

Recommended Products

  • Brushes: Choose brushes designed for your Bernedoodle’s specific coat type. Slicker brushes, grooming rakes, and dematting tools can be especially helpful.
  • Shampoos and Conditioners: Opt for hypoallergenic, moisturizing products that cater to your Bernedoodle’s coat type. Look for ingredients like oatmeal and aloe vera that can soothe and hydrate the skin.

Recommended Reading

  • “The Complete Guide to Bernedoodles”: This comprehensive book provides extensive information about Bernedoodles, including their grooming needs.
  • “Dog Grooming for Dummies”: This book offers basic grooming tips that can be applied to any dog breed, including Bernedoodles.

Useful Links

  • Bernedoodle Breeders: Look for reputable breeders who can provide more information about Bernedoodle coat types and care.
  • Bernedoodle Clubs and Associations: These groups can provide community support, resources, and advice for Bernedoodle owners.

Understanding and caring for your Bernedoodle’s coat can seem daunting, but with time, patience, and the right resources, it can become an enjoyable routine. Remember, every Bernedoodle is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Always consider your pet’s individual needs, consult with your vet or a professional groomer, and adjust your care routine as necessary. Your Bernedoodle’s health, comfort, and happiness should always be your top priorities. Happy grooming!

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