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How To Tell What Coat A Goldendoodle Puppy Will Have

How To Tell What Coat A Goldendoodle Puppy Will Have


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Goldendoodle coats. Goldendoodles, a crossbreed between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle, have captured the hearts of many with their friendly nature, intelligent minds, and adorable appearance. A crucial part of their charm lies in their beautiful coats. This blog post is dedicated to providing you with detailed information about these coats to help you understand and care for your Goldendoodle better.

Understanding Goldendoodle Coats

As a Goldendoodle owner or potential owner, it’s essential to grasp the nuances of this breed’s coat. The coat doesn’t just contribute to the aesthetic appeal of your Goldendoodle; it can also impact their health and the comfort of those around them.

The importance of a Goldendoodle’s coat

The Goldendoodle’s coat serves several functions. Not only does it provide a barrier against environmental factors like heat, cold, and UV radiation, it also plays a significant role in regulating their body temperature. The coat can also influence the severity of allergic reactions in people who are sensitive to dog dander, hair, or saliva.

Different types of Goldendoodle coats

Goldendoodles typically have one of three types of coats: Fleece, Wool, or Hair.

  • Fleece coat: This type of coat is soft, wavy or loose curl, and easy to manage. It is typically non-shedding or very light shedding.
  • Wool coat: More akin to a Poodle’s coat, a wool coat is dense and curly. This coat type is also non-shedding and hypoallergenic.
  • Hair coat: More similar to a Golden Retriever’s coat, this is straighter, and it sheds more than the other two types.

How to identify the coat of a Goldendoodle puppy

Determining the coat type of a Goldendoodle puppy can be a bit challenging, especially if they’re very young. However, paying attention to certain characteristics can give you some clues.

Physical characteristics

At a young age, you can look at the texture and appearance of the puppy’s fur. Fleece coats will be soft and begin to wave or curl; wool coats will be denser and curlier, while hair coats will be straighter and coarser.

Changes in texture and appearance over time

As the puppy grows, you might start noticing changes in their fur. This usually happens when they are between the ages of 5 to 8 months, and it’s a process known as ‘coat change’. During this phase, the puppy fur is replaced by the adult coat, which is when the true coat type becomes apparent.

The genetics of Goldendoodle coats

The type of coat a Goldendoodle puppy will have is determined by the genes inherited from its parents. A puppy inherits one coat gene from each parent, and this combination ultimately decides the coat type.

In-depth look into the inheritance of coat traits

Without getting too much into the complexity of genetics, it’s important to know that the curly or wavy coat trait (found in Poodles and therefore in some Goldendoodles) is dominant over the straight hair trait. This means that a puppy only needs to inherit one copy of the curly or wavy gene to show that trait in its coat. However, the exact manifestation of these traits (how curly or wavy the coat is, for instance) can depend on other factors and genes as well.

Detailed Comparison of Fleece and Wool Coats

As the most common types of coats found in Goldendoodles, understanding the differences between fleece and wool coats can help you manage your pet’s coat better.

What is the difference between a fleece and wool coat on a Goldendoodle

The primary difference lies in the texture and appearance of these two coats. Fleece coats are similar to that of an Angora goat. They’re soft, light, and have a wavy or loose curl pattern. On the other hand, Wool coats are similar to a Poodle’s coat – dense, curly, and a bit coarser than fleece.

Pros and Cons of each coat type

Both coat types have their unique set of advantages and challenges:

  • Allergy-friendliness: Both fleece and wool coats are hypoallergenic, making Goldendoodles with these coat types a good choice for people with allergies. However, the wool coat, being denser and less shedding, might be slightly more hypoallergenic than the fleece.
  • Shedding levels: Both coat types shed less compared to the hair coat, with the wool coat usually shedding the least.
  • Maintenance requirements: Wool coats require more maintenance, including regular grooming and clipping to prevent matting. Fleece coats are easier to manage but still need regular brushing and occasional trims.

Which coat is less allergic for owners

Given its denser texture and less shedding property, a wool coat might be slightly more hypoallergenic than a fleece coat. However, individual reactions can vary, and it also depends on the person’s sensitivity levels.

Which coat type is the most non-shedding

While both the fleece and wool coats are known for their low-shedding properties, wool coats generally shed the least. They are often the preferred choice for those particularly concerned about shedding.

Changes in Goldendoodle Puppy Coats

The coat of a Goldendoodle puppy undergoes significant changes as they grow, affecting its texture, color, and length. Understanding these changes can help you better care for your pet’s coat.

Goldendoodle coat types: when do you know

Typically, the definitive coat type of a Goldendoodle puppy becomes apparent when they are between 5 to 8 months old, during the ‘coat change’ phase. This is when their puppy fur is replaced by their adult coat.

When does a Goldendoodle puppy coat change

The puppy coat change phase usually starts around 5 months of age, but it can vary between individuals. This is when the softer, fluffier puppy fur starts to be replaced by the denser, more textured adult coat. This transition can take a few months to complete.

When does a Goldendoodle begin to lose their puppy coat

Goldendoodles begin to lose their puppy coat during the ‘coat change’ phase, typically starting around 5 months of age. This is a gradual process and it’s not uncommon to see increased shedding during this period.

Stages of Goldendoodle coat development and how to recognize them

There are essentially two major stages of Goldendoodle coat development – the puppy coat stage and the adult coat stage. The puppy coat is softer, fluffier, and lighter. The transition to the adult coat begins around 5 months of age and can be recognized by an increase in shedding and changes in the coat’s texture and appearance.

The impact of age and maturity on coat changes

As the Goldendoodle matures, the adult coat will start to come in. This coat is denser, more textured, and depending on the coat type, can be wavy, curly, or straight. With time, the adult coat will fully develop and replace the puppy fur.

Maintenance and Care for Different Goldendoodle Coats

Regardless of the coat type, regular grooming is necessary to keep your Goldendoodle looking their best and to maintain the health of their coat.

How to give your Goldendoodle a shiny coat

A shiny coat is a sign of a healthy dog. Here are some tips to keep your Goldendoodle’s coat glossy:

  • Nutrition’s role in maintaining a healthy coat: A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients like Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids can contribute to a healthier and shinier coat.
  • Grooming products and their proper usage: Using high-quality, dog-friendly shampoos and conditioners can help maintain the coat’s shine. However, avoid over-bathing as it can strip the natural oils from your dog’s skin and coat.

How to prevent a Goldendoodle from having a curly coat

If you prefer a wavier or straighter look for your Goldendoodle, you can manage the coat with certain grooming techniques. Remember, this won’t change the natural type of your dog’s coat, but it can affect its appearance:

  • Grooming techniques and routines: Regular brushing can help keep the fur from curling too much. Also, keeping the coat trimmed short can make it appear less curly.
  • Professional groomer’s tips: A professional groomer can offer specialized tips and methods to manage the curliness of your Goldendoodle’s coat.

Essential grooming tools for different coat types

The right grooming tools can make a world of difference in maintaining your Goldendoodle’s coat. For fleece and wool coats, a slicker brush, a comb with both wide and narrow teeth, and grooming scissors are essential. For hair coats, a bristle brush or a shedding blade can be helpful.

Special considerations for each coat type (Fleece, Wool, Hair)

Fleece and wool coats require regular grooming to prevent matting and tangling. Regular trims can also keep the coat manageable. Hair coats, while more straightforward to maintain, require regular brushing to keep shedding under control.


Understanding your Goldendoodle’s coat is a significant part of pet ownership. It helps you care for your pet better, ensuring they remain comfortable and look their best. We hope this comprehensive guide has provided you with valuable insights into the various aspects of a Goldendoodle’s coat, from understanding its types to managing its changes and care requirements.

Common Goldendoodle Questions

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