April 29th
You’ve just brought home the perfect new dog. But you may be wondering what to feed them, and how much. And when should you feed your dog?
Setting up the right feeding schedule for your new puppy doesn’t have to be hard. You just have to make sure that you are consistent.
Here, we’ll walk you through all you need to know about feeding schedules for puppies. We’ll also give you some other tips on feeding your puppy.
Why does your puppy need a feeding schedule? Consistent feeding is key when your trying to potty train your dog. And feeding them at the same time every day also makes it easier for you to ensure that your dog gets the right amount of food.
When you’re feeding your new puppy, the schedule will vary depending on their age. You’ll want to feed young puppies more frequently, as they have smaller stomachs. As they grow older, you can cut down on the number of meals.
Once a puppy is around 2 months old, they can be weaned off their mother’s milk. They still need food that is fairly soft, so you should feed them canned or semi dehydrated food to make it easier for them to chew. If you want to feed them dried dog food, add some water to it to make it easier for them to eat.
This is one of the fastest growing periods for young dogs, so your puppy is going to eat to eat quite frequently. You should be feeding your puppy around 3-4 times a day.
Why so many meals? Your dog’s stomach is still quite small, so they can’t get all of the food they need at once.
The times can vary, but you’ll want to feed them once in the morning, once around noon, and once in the evening. You can consider adding a small extra meal as well.
As your puppy grows, so will their stomach. You can begin to transition to feeding them more food during each meal. If you were feeding them 4 times a day, cut out one of the meals and only feed them 3 times.
The feeding schedule will be similar: once in the morning, once around noon, and another meal in the evening. Try to be as consistent as possible throughout this period, and
This is when your dog will begin to grow into their adult shape. If you notice that they are a over or underweight, speak to your vet about their diet. You may need to make some adjustments to ensure that they grow at the correct rate.
Once your puppy is around 6 months old, you can transition to feeding them just twice a day. When should you feed them? The best way is to cut out the meal around noon and just feed them in the morning and evening.
Again, consistency is key here. You’ll want to make sure that you are feeding your puppy at the same time every morning and in the evening so that they can build up a healthy routine.
You should also monitor their energy. Cutting down the number of meals can sometimes lead to a drop in energy levels. If your puppy seems a bit sluggish, give them a little more food during each meal.
Many dog owners are worried that they aren’t giving their puppy the right amount of food. And many owners respond by giving their puppy too much food. This can interfere with their growth, and make them overweight.
It’s important to remember that most puppies will have different feeding requirements, depending on their age, size, and breed. The best way to make sure you are feeding your dog the right amount? Consult with your vet.
They can help your come up with a feeding plan that is tailored to your puppy’s age and breed.
It’s also important to remember that the feeding recommendations on dog food packages are usually not appropriate for your puppy, so you should not rely on them.
And take hints from your dog’s eating habits. Are they leaving a lot of food in the bowl? Then you’re probably overfeeding them. Try less food and see if your dog finishes it all. If they are growing and have plenty of energy, then they are probably getting enough food.
Do you notice that your dog is gaining weight, despite you feeding them the recommended amount? This could be from you giving them too many treats. Especially with puppies, dog owners tend to give out to many treats.
Try to limit the treats to around 10% of your puppy’s calories. If you don’t want to count calories, then just make sure that you aren’t giving your puppy more than a few treats a day. This will keep them from gaining too much weight and avoid any digestive issues.
Some dog owners choose to feed their dog whenever it is convenient for them. Although this may work for some, it’s much better to get your puppy on a consistent feeding schedule.
Consistent eating times mean consistent bathroom breaks
One of the main reasons to feed your dog at the same times every day is that they will go to the bathroom at consistent times. This will make it much easier to potty train your puppy.
You can easily keep track of their appetite
Like humans, dogs’ appetites change throughout the day. If you feed them at different times, they might not eat as much because they aren’t hungry. This can lead to them not getting enough food. And sometimes dogs will develop illnesses that affect their appetite. By feeding them at the same time every day, it will make it easier for you to notice any changes to their appetite.
Scheduled feeding tends to be cleaner
By scheduling when your dog eats, you can make it much easier to keep the area clean. And you don’t have to leave food sitting around all day. This will keep your house from smelling like dog food. And it will prevent your dog from having to eat stale food.
Use a consistent feeding time to train your dog
One of the best times to train your dog is when they are being fed. By scheduling a consistent feeding time, you can make training your dog much easier- and much faster. And your puppy is usually more engaged with the training when it is close to feeding time.
There are a lot of different options out there when it comes to choosing food for your puppy. So what should you feed them? There are three main types of dog food that you should know about: canned, semi dehydrated, and dry.
Canned food tends to be the most expensive option out there. It might seem like a good option for puppies, especially young ones. But canned food tends to be quite expensive, while being mostly water. And it often has a lot of salt.
Semi dehydrated food is a bit cheaper than canned food, but it still contains a lot of water and salt. It’s a decent option for very young puppies who need softer food. But most dog owners would be better off buying dry food and adding water to soften it.
And then there’s dry food. This is the staple for most dog owners, and for good reason. It’s by far the most affordable option, and a decent brand will offer a great blend of nutrition. For almost all puppies, dry food should make up the bulk of their diet. Just make sure that your dog food passes our test.
Here’s some more advice on how to feed your puppy and keep them healthy.
Don’t Feed Them Table Scraps
Most dog owners know that they probably shouldn’t give their dog food from the table. But it can be hard to say no when your puppy is looking at your like that. But you need to stay strong and keep the food on the table.
The food that you need is mostly not well suited for a dog. It probably contains more fat and carbs than what they are used to, which can cause digestive issues. And it also has more calories, so you risk making your dog overweight
And feeding your dog at the table can cause all sorts of behavioral issues. Remember, you are trying to feed your puppy on a set schedule. Feeding them from the table interferes with that schedule.
Limit The Treats
Treats are one of the most effective tools in any dog owner’s arsenal. It seems like they can solve just about any problem.
But you need to be careful with how many treats you give to your dog. Try to limit the treat consumption to around 10% of your dog’s calories. This can be hard to keep track of, so a good rule of thumb is no more than a handful of treats per day.
If you feed your dog too many treats, they may not want to eat at their scheduled meal time. This can lead to them having lower energy levels.
Track Your Dog’s Weight
Puppies grow quickly, so their weight will change quite frequently. It’s a good idea to keep track of these changes by weighing your dog. You should do this about twice a month, although the exact number can vary.
By keeping track of their weight, you can see if there are any sharp increases or decreases that could be a cause for concern. And if you can see if your are over or under feeding your dog.
Measure Out Your Dog’s Food
Many dog owners choose to just pour out the food into their dog’s bowl without measuring it. This isn’t the end of the world, and your puppy will probably be fine if you choose to feed them this way.
But if you want to be more consistent, buy a measuring cup so that you can make sure they are getting the same amount of food every day.
Clean Their Bowl Every Few Days
Dog bowls get dirty pretty quickly. Many owners are tempted to leave them be, and don’t clean them very often- if ever. But your dog’s food bowl can turn into the perfect home for bacteria, some of which can be harmful to your dog.
Try to clean out their bowl every few days. This will prevent bacteria from building up. And it will prevent any old food from clinging to the bowl, which can cause odors that keep your dog from eating their food.
Adjust Your Dog’s Food Depending On The Time Of Year
Many dog owners feed their puppy the same amount of food throughout the year. But if you live in an area with seasons, your dog will likely be more active during the warmer time of the year. That means they’ll need more calories for all of the extra activity.
You don’t need to adjust their feeding by much, but consider giving them a bit more food when you know that they will be more active. Or you can switch to a dog formula that has a denser mix of nutrients so that your puppy has an added punch for the more active months.
Feed Them Dry Food
Many owners get roped in by fancy canned foods that offer a luxury dining experience for their dogs. But the truth is that these foods have little nutritional benefit over dry food, while costing you significantly more.
The best option for most dogs will be dried food. This will give them the best balance of nutrients, and you won’t have to spend as much money. And it’s easy to buy in bulk and store.
Feed Them In The Same Place
When you’re feeding your dog, it’s also important that you feed them in the same place every day. Dogs like routines, and eating in the same place every day helps them build good eating habits. You’ll also want to pick a place that is easy to clean and as free from distractions as possible.
Keep An Eye On Your Puppy’s Stool
No, you don’t have to get your hands dirty. But you should monitor your dog’s poop to make sure that it’s not too runny or discolored. This will help you spot any infections that could be causing your dog problems.
This is more important with puppies, as they tend to have more sensitive digestive systems. If you consistently see poop that is worrying you, take to your vet.
Puppies benefit from a set schedule. It helps them develop good potty training habits, and gives them more structure. It also ensures that your dog gets a consistent amount of food every day, so that they grow at a steady rate.
Haven’t found your dream dog yet? Head over to our puppy finder to find the perfect canine companion.
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