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Goldendoodle on the Way? Here’s How to Puppy Proof Your House in a Jiff

Goldendoodle on the Way? Here’s How to Puppy Proof Your House in a Jiff

Your new Goldendoodle puppy may be the most precious thing in the world. But even the gentlest puppy can do a lot of damage to your home- and to themself- if you’re not prepared.

Before you bring your Goldendoodle home, make sure your house is fully puppy proofed. Here, we’ll guide you through prepping your home for your puppy’s arrival.

Indoor Hazards To Keep An Eye Out For

Dogs like to snoop around, and Goldendoodles are no exception. You’ll need to thoroughly go through your home to make sure that there are no hazards for your puppy. Here are a few things to keep an eye out for:


Dogs have a nose for trash, and will do everything they can to reach it. Prevent this by always keeping your trash can sealed, preferably with a locking lid.


Foods that seem safe can be toxic to your dog. Play it safe by keeping all of your food out of reach of your Goldendoodle. Store your food in a pantry or cabinet with high shelves, and keep food off counters.

Especially hazardous items, such as chocolate, should be kept in sealed containers.


Your sweet Goldendoodle can turn into a wrecking ball in a split second, and knock over heavy plants. Make sure that all of your large potted plants are secure and that they can’t topple over.

Many household plants are mildly toxic to dogs, and some are lethal. Unless you know for sure that a plant is safe, you should keep it out of reach of your Goldendoodle, especially when they are young.

Cleaning Supplies

These are some of the toxins that dogs are most commonly exposed to, and should be kept locked away at all times.

If you have high cabinets, put them here instead of under the sink, where your Goldendoodle may be able to nudge open the door.


Many medications that are safe for humans can be dangerous for dogs, even at low doses. Keep all medicine in a cabinet that is out of reach of your dog. Never leave pill bottles on the counter, as they often get knocked over onto the floor.

Jewelry and Other Loose Items

Keep all jewelry properly stored and off counters. Even small Goldendoodles have a way of getting up on counters, and these items can end up blocking their throat or get stuck in their digestive tract.

Dangerous Rooms

If you have any dangerous rooms in your house, such as playrooms with toys, fence these areas off. When your Goldendoodle is young, you can also designate a room in the house for them, and keep the rest of the home off limits to them.

Outdoor Hazards To Keep An Eye Out For

Your Goldendoodle will also likely spend a lot of time outdoors. They’re curious dogs, and they will dig up or get their nose into just about anything in your yard. Keep them safe by watching out for these common outdoor hazards:


If you’ve recently had any construction work done around your house, go around and search for any nails or sharp objects that may have been left behind. These can cut up your puppies face or paws, possibly leading to dangerous infections.


Don’t leave any paint cans lying around outside, even if they are sealed. Also check for any paint chips on the ground, as these can be quite toxic if consumed by your Goldendoodle.

Gardening Soil and Products

Many homeowners leave gardening products, soil, and fertilizer lying out in the open. This is a bad idea with a young dog, especially with a breed as curious as Goldendoodles.

Keep all gardening products stored away in a shed or locked cabinet. Even topsoil can cause issues for your dog if swallowed, so play it safe.

Pool Supplies

Another common toxin, pool supplies are quite dangerous for dogs. Containers often have small amounts of the chemicals that get spilled during use, which your dog may then lick. Even these small amounts can be dangerous.

Keep all pool chemicals such as chlorine locked away. Also make sure that your pool is covered when your Goldendoodle is left outside alone. Even if they can swim, the pool can be a drowning risk.

Start Early When Puppy Proofing

Puppy proofing is a really simple process- if you give yourself enough time. Don’t rush at the last minute to get your home ready, and start early. That way, you can enjoy your Goldendoodle’s arrival day without any added stress.

Still Looking For A Goldendoodle?

If you’re still searching for a Goldendoodle, you’re in the right place. At Uptown Puppies’ puppy finder, we’ll connect you to some of the best breeders and businesses in the area. All of the Goldendoodle breeders and companies we work with adhere to strict ethical standards. That means no falsely labelled dogs, and no dogs from puppy mills or backyard breeders.

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