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Own A Needy Goldendoodle? Here’s Why Your Dog Can’t Relax at Home Alone

Own A Needy Goldendoodle? Here’s Why Your Dog Can’t Relax at Home Alone

Your Goldendoodle puppy loves you more than anything in the world. This, however, may make them anxious whenever you leave. Many puppies fear that you will never come back, leading to nervousness, scratching, and crying.

Fortunately, there are some easy steps you can take to reduce your Goldendoodle’s separation anxiety. It may take some hard work and patience, but you can teach your Goldendoodle to tolerate being alone.

Begin With Small Separations

The best way to reduce your dog’s separation anxiety is to train them slowly. This means you should begin with small separations, where you leave them alone for only a few minutes at a time. Over time, you can increase the length of the separations.

This will teach your puppy that you will always return, which will help them feel less anxious. As you train them, it’s important that you not run back into the room everytime you hear them cry. This can be hard to do, but it’s the only way to train your Goldendoodle to be alone.

Pay Less Attention To Your Goldendoodle Before You Leave

When you plan on leaving the house, give your Goldendoodle a bit less attention than usual the half hour before you leave. This may seem a bit counterintuitive, but by paying less attention to your Goldendoodle before you leave, your absence seems less sudden.

This makes your dog less anxious, and they are less likely to pay and cling before you leave, making it easier to get them in their crate.

Wear Your Coat Around The House

Goldendoodles are very perceptive, and they notice that you put your coat on before you leave the house. They then begin to associate this action with you leaving. This can make them nervous before you are even out of the door.

A good way of dealing with this anxiety is by wearing your coat around the house- or doing any other action that your dog associates with you leaving. Your Goldendoodle won’t associate these actions with you leaving to the same degree as before, which can make it easier to get them in their crate before you leave.

Find The Right Goldendoodle Puppy

If you’re still looking for the perfect Goldendoodle puppy, head over to our puppy finder page.

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